Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Definition of family (googled):
1. A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children.
2. Two or more people who share goals and values, have long-term commitments to one another, and reside usually in the same dwelling place.

Of course everyone defines the word ''Family'' differently. F.A.M.I.L.Y - Father And Mother I Love You. To me, it's like... people that I can turn to for MONEY. Yes pure money, nothing else. It may seem pathetic but that's the truth. 

Father? Doesn't really matter much to me. The only reason we would communicate will be the time I'm asking for my allowance. Other than that? Seems more like a stranger in the house. I would even feel insure at times if I'm left alone with him. How great? Any word other than ''money'' would be cursings and scoldings whatsoever.

Mother? I would prolly rate our ''closeness'' 6.5 over 10. The awkwardness is minimized when I have friends around as I can fool around and would be some sort of a clown (I suppose). Maybe it's easier to communicate with her as we're of the same sex. Hmm...?

Sisters! Huge age gap, may even find it hard to believe they're my blood sisters. Shouldn't say much about them as they're still young and 不懂事. Hope they will be less irritating when they grow up LOL.

Viewing through the past photos, made me think about a lot of things. I used to be so close with my parents.  I was brought on trips to Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia etcetc and had so much fun.What happened? Ah... computer games! Shouldn't elaborate on this since it's not really related to the main topic.

Friday, April 8, 2011


P.S. The story written below is a fake and existing similar characters or any bloody fucking thing you can find is just pure coincidence. The whole sequence of events is written by Yecia and is only allowed to be found on Aldeyementhe or any other places with the writer's permit.

----Yecia is pretending to be a writer for a day!----
----Or director, coz da post below says screen goes black----

chronicle of monrot III

*Knocks on the door*
"Kok kok kok kok"
Wife of Salmon (in previous post): Coming!
*Opens the door and smiles*
Wife: Yes, can I help you?
Letter Writer slash half Postman Carrot: Here is a letter by your husband who is going to be fighting in the upcoming war.
Wife cries, "Oh my! How is he? Has he grow skinnier? Did he eat well? Is he injured? Can you help me to ask him take care of himself?!"
Postman Carrot: Bitch, shut the fuck up!
*Loads shotgun and baaanngggg*
*Wife Salmon laid on the floor and lifted her left arm up*
"Help...h..e..l..p..m...e..." said Wife slowly with pauses in between.
*Postman Carrot smirks and turned around*
"Cheh, I won't help you because I'm the one who started the war."
*Walks off*

---Screen turns black---

chronicle of monrot II

Letter writer Carrot: Please Q-UP!
*Talks to particular Salmon*
Carrot: May I know what do you wish to write in the letter?
Salmon: Erm... please do the usual and help me include this sum of money in it.
*Salmon passes a bag of *Camonro*
Carrot: Sure, I'll deliver it to your house personally.
Writer Carrot shouts, "Next!"

*Camonro is the currency in Monrot
*Monrot is a country that does not exist in reality