Friday, April 8, 2011

chronicle of monrot III

*Knocks on the door*
"Kok kok kok kok"
Wife of Salmon (in previous post): Coming!
*Opens the door and smiles*
Wife: Yes, can I help you?
Letter Writer slash half Postman Carrot: Here is a letter by your husband who is going to be fighting in the upcoming war.
Wife cries, "Oh my! How is he? Has he grow skinnier? Did he eat well? Is he injured? Can you help me to ask him take care of himself?!"
Postman Carrot: Bitch, shut the fuck up!
*Loads shotgun and baaanngggg*
*Wife Salmon laid on the floor and lifted her left arm up*
"Help...h..e..l..p..m...e..." said Wife slowly with pauses in between.
*Postman Carrot smirks and turned around*
"Cheh, I won't help you because I'm the one who started the war."
*Walks off*

---Screen turns black---